Bibliography for Lotus Names List Books Bisset, Peter. 1905. The Book of Water Gardening. A.T. De La Mare Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd. Heriteau, Jacqueline & Thomas, Charles B. 1994. Water Gardens. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston/New York Nash, Helen & Stroupe, Steve. 1998. Aquatic Plants & Their Cultivation. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., New York Ni Xueming. 1987. Lotus of China. Perry, Frances, foreward by. 1988. Waterlilies and other aquatic plants. Henry Holt and Company, New York Qicho Wang, Xinyan Zhang. 1989. Chinese Lotus Flower Cultivars Qicho Wang, Xinyan Zhang. 1998. Chinese Lotus Flower Cultivars Continued Slocum, Perry D. & Robinson, Peter. 1996. Water
Gardening, Water Lilies and Lotuses. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon. Suriya, K. 2001. Bua. Amarin Printing and Publishing Public Co., Ltd., Thailand. Watanabe, Satomi. 1990. The Fascinating World of Lotus Periodicals Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica.
Vol. 22, No. 8, 2002. Sponsored by Xi’an Branch Chinese Academy of Sciences
and Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture
and Forestry. Science Press.
Crystal Palace Perennials 1999 Lotus
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