Figure 2

.Figure 2. Stages of floral development in Victoria spp.; drawings
of median or near?median longitudinal sections (not composite
diagrams). A. .Young flower to illustrate shift in meristematic
activity from original floral meristem (qm) to peripheral ring
meristem Urn). x50. B. Young flower to illustrate meristematic
cup formed by the activity of the ring meristem. x24. C. Slightly
later stage in floral development than B, showing staminal (st)
establishment., x20. D. Young flower to demonstrate locular (1)
initiation in region of ring meristem (rm). x17. E. Slightly
older stage than demonstrated in D, illustrating locular establishment.
x12. F. Young flower showing radial expansion of locular region
and ovule initiation. x3. Sepals (s), petals (p), vascular plexus
(vp), air canals (ac), stylar process (sp) and floral apex (fa).