The Official Preliminary Checklist of
Water Gardeners International







Allison, James        Water in the Garden        Bulfinch Press, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Toronto, London                 1991        

Bechthold, Dieter & Hieronimus, Harro          Seerosen  Blütenzauber im Gartenteich          Dähne Verlag, Ettlingen.    2006

Bisset, Peter        The Book of Water Gardening        A.T. DeLaMare Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., New York                 1905, 1907

Conard, Henry S.        The Waterlilies, a monograph of the genus nymphaea        The Carnegie Institute of Washington         Facsimile Reprint Lark Publications, Thetford 1991        19        

Conard, Henry S. and Hus, Henri        Water-Lilies        Doubleday, Page & Company, New York                 1907,  1909             

Graf, Alfred Byrd        Tropica, Fourth Edition        Roehrs Company, East Rutherford, NJ                 1978,  1981         

Henkel, Fr., F. Rehnelt und G. Dittmann.        Das Buch der Nymphaeaceen oder Seerosengewächse               Elgenium und Verlog          Mai, 1907

Hériteau, Jacqueline & Thomas, Charles B.        Water Gardens        Houghton Mifflin Company, New York, NY                 1994             

Innes, William T.        Goldfish Varieties and Water Gardens        Innes Publishing Company, Philadelphia                 1947, 1949              

Jekyll      Wall, Water and Woodland Gardens               Country Life, Ltd., London                               1901

Kaye, Reginald        Modern Water Gardening        Faber & Faber, London                 1973 

Knotts, Kit             The Names of Waterlilies                   Cocoa Beach, Florida         2002

Masters, Charles O.        Encyclopedia of the water-lily        T.F.H. Publications Inc. Ltd., Neptune City, NJ                 1974        

Nash, Helen        The Pond Doctor        Sterling Publishing Co. Inc., New York                 1995            

Nash, Helen with Stroupe, Steve        Aquatic Plants & Their Cultivation        Sterling Publishing Co. Inc., New York                 1998         

Niklitschek, A.     Water lilies and Water Plants        Chatto & Windus, London                 1947          

Perry, Frances      Water Gardening        London Country Life Limited. New York - Charles Scribner's Sons                 1938        

Sawyer, Robt. V. & Perkins, E.H.    Water Gardens and Goldfish                         1928, 1934               

Slocum, Perry D. & Robinson, Peter with Perry, Frances        Water Gardening, Water Lilies and Lotuses        Timber Press, Inc., Portland, OR                 1996      

Slocum, Perry D.                  Waterlilies and Lotuses      Timber Press, Inc., Portland, OR                       2005

Stapeley Water Gardens, foreward by Perry, Frances        Waterlilies and other aquatic plants        Henry Holt and Company, Inc., New York                 1989            

Swindells, Philip        Waterlilies        Timber Press, Portland, OR                 1983     

Thomas Jr., G.L.      Garden Pools, Water-Lilies, and Goldfish        D. Van Nostrund                 1958  

Thomas Jr., G.L.      Goldfish Pools, Water-Lilies and Tropical Fishes        T.F.H Publications, Neptune City, NJ                 1958 

Tomocik, Joseph with Garisto, Leslie    (JTom)    Water Gardening        Pantheon Books, Knopf Publishing Group                 1996            

Trehane, Piers       Index Hortensis   Volume 1: Perennials          Quarterjack Publishing, Wimborne, Dorset, UK            1989

Wachter, Karl       Seerosen. Winterharte und tropische Nymphaceen     Eugen Ulmer         1998

Wasuwat, Slearmlarp        Waterlilies, Ornamental Flowering Plants        Amarin Publishing Public Company Limited                 1994      

(No author)           IWLS Identification of Hardy Nymphaea                         1993





Aquiculture Lagrange                                                         1912

Bee Fork Water Gardens (Large Catalog)                      c.1968, 1973, 1974-1975, 1977      

Bee Fork Water Gardens (Small Catalog)      1969                                                                                                                                                          

Beldt's Aquarium (Catalog)                                               1932, 1939          

Beldt's Aquarium (Large Catalog)                                   1948

Beldt's Aquarium (Small Catalog)                                   1947      

Beldt's Water Gardens (Large Catalog)                           c.1964   

Buskirk's Aquarium (Catalog)                                          1933      

Charleston Aquatic Nurseries (Catalog)                          2000  

Crystal Palace Perennials (Catalog)                                 1999      

Dorset Water Lily (Company), Water Plant List (Catalog) Spring / Summer 1999               

Dreer’s (Retail Catalog)                                                    1900-1901

Lagrange Catalogue                                                           1899

Lagrange Catalogue                                                           1914 

Lilypons (Catalog)                                                              1999-2002           

Maryland Aquatic Nurseries (Catalog)                           1998      

Moser et Fils, Versailles (Catalogue)                                1930

Paradise Water Gardens (Catalog)                                   1999-2002           

Seerosen - Farm (Catalog)                                                 c.1998, 2002       

Seerosen - Farm New Introductions List                         1999      

(Shaw) Catalogue of Rare Water Lilies                           1914, 1921, 1927, 1930

Slocum Water Gardens (Catalog)                                    1946-2002           

Smiley’s Water Gardens (Catalog)                                   circa 1934

Standardized Plant Names                                                                1924, p. 295-296

Strawn Water Garden Wholesale Price List                    1999      

The Independence Nurseries Co. (Catalog)                    1926, 1927          

Waterford Gardens (Catalog)                                           1999      

William Tricker Inc. (Catalog)                                          1928, 1932          

William Tricker, Inc. (Catalog)                                         1999-2002           

Wychwood Waterlily & Carp Farm (Catalog)               1999      



Internet Sources



Australian National Botanic Gardens    (APNI)    Australian Plant Name Index Database         1999              

Denver Botanic Gardens Collections Database                                                                                   2000

Harvard University    (GCI)    Gray Card Index Database                                                               1999

International Plant Names Index   (IPNI)                                                                                             2001

Missouri Botanical Garden    (Tropicos)    W3Tropicos Database                                                    1999               

Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh    (FE-P)    Flora Europaea - Pandora Database                     1999               

Royal Horticultural Society    (RHSPF)    RHS PlantFinder                                                               1999               

The New York Botanical Garden                                                                                                            2002

Victoria-Adventure                                                                                                                         2001-2002               

Wiersema, Dr. John H.    (GRIN)    USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources, Germplasm Resources Information Network




Burns Water Gardens Online Catalog                   2000

Dasbunte                                                                    2002

Daydreamer Online Catalog                                  1999 

Florida Aquatic Nurseries                                        2002

Hazorea Aquatics                                                                    2002

Heartland Aquatics                                                  2002

Lakeside Water Gardens                                         2002 

Lilypons Water Gardens                                         2002

Maryland Aquatic Nurseries                                  2002

Paradise Water Gardens                                          2002 

Perry’s Water Gardens                                             2002

Plants Database                                                        2002

Seerosen-Farm                                                          2002

Strawn Water Gardens                                            2002

The Plant Place Online Catalog                             2000

Tropical Pond & Garden                                         2002

William Tricker, Inc.                                                2002



Lists & Notes


Bryne, Shirley                                       Don Bryne List                           1999               

Connelly, Leeann                                                Leeann Connelly List                 1999              

Farmer, Chris                                        Latour-Marliac Notes                 1999              

Frase, Bill                                              William C. Frase List                 1999               

Huet, Patrice                                         Notes from Revue Horticole      2002

Marshall, Nerissa                                 Nerida List                                    1995-2000   

McLane, Brad                                      Florida Aquatic Nurseries Cultivars      1999 

McLane, Brad                                      Florida Aquatic Nurseries Distributor Price List       1999            

Northcroft, Charlie                              Johan Harder List                      1999               

Northcroft, Charlie                              Query New Zealand Growers    1999

Northcroft, Charlie                              Metelik (Austral Water Gardens) Cultivars    2000

Pagels, Walter                                       Notes                                      1999, 2000

Pagels, Walter                                       The Saga of Blue Beauty          2002

Pagels, Walter                                       ‘Mrs. Robert Sawyer’ or ‘Independence?       2002

Presnell, Craig                                       Descriptions                                  2002

Pullen, Noelene                                    Charles Winch List                    1999

Pullen, Noelene                                    Winch List Addendum              2000

Pullen, Noelene                                    Winch descriptions                      2002              

Sacher, Rich                                         Descriptions                                  2002

Shimizu, Hideo                                    Atagawa Tropical & Alligator Garden        2000          

Slocum, Perry D.                                  Perry D. Slocum List                 1999, 2002     

Sou, John                                              Australian additions                 1999

Speichert, Greg                                     Lists of Hardy Lilies in Collections           1999             

Stetson, Paul                                         Paul Stetson List                      1999  

Strawn, Kirk                                          Kirk Strawn List                      1999   

Summers, Joe                                       Missouri Botanical Garden Pring List            1999        

Summers, Joe                                       Tower Grove Park Inventory List            1946              

Swindells, Philip                                   Preliminary Check List for Nymphaea       1988          

The Odiham Waterlily Collection    Awards to Nymphaea by RHS          Undated               

Tolman, Glenn                                     Water Lily World Wholesale Price List           1995       

Tomocik, Joe                                                        Denver Botanic Garden  - Test Lilies 1997 & 1998  

Trehane, Piers                                       Nymphaea from Index Hortensis                     1999     

Trehane, Piers                                       Nymphaea from Index Kewensis CD-ROM        2000

Trehane, Piers                                       Lagrange Notes                          2001

Wasuwat, Slearmlarp                         Slearmlarp Wasuwat List         1999               

Wiersema, John                                   Notes                                            1999-2002     





Allgemeine Gartenzeitung                                    35         1857 

Annals of the Missouri Botanicals Garden                 4        1917               

Annals of the Missouri Botanicals Garden                 9        1922               

Annals of the Missouri Botanicals Garden                 20        1933             

Flora & Sylva                                                       Vol. III, p. 303-304 (1905)

Flore des Serres et des Jardins de L’Europe Tome VIII, t. 775-776, pp. 67-73

Gartenteich                                                                      4.2001, 1.2003, 2.2005

Horticulture (Magazine)                     Feb., p 69, 92-93        1958               

Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society                     Vol. 38. 249-255  Nov. 1912

Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society (The Garden)         (1.1) 123(10):690   Oct. 1998

Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society (The Garden)         (1.2) 124[11]:810   Nov. 1999

Mayflower's Log "Lilies That Bloom in the Big Business Field" Washington, DC, July-August 1936, pp. 10-11
Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin                 1        1913           

Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin                 3        1915           

Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin                 10(8),10(9)        1922         

Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin                 14        1926         

Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin                 22(2)        1934    

Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin                 29(3)        1941    

Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin                 36        1948         

Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin                   3, p.        1949

Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin                 38        1950         

Pond & Garden (Magazine)                                 6/98-1:4        1998           

Pond Keeper                                                            March/April 2001, p. 27

Pond Keeper                                                            January/February 2002, p. 10

Pond Keeper                                                          March/April 2002, p. 10

Pond Keeper                                                            9.1  Jan/Feb 2003 

Revue horticole                                                       1890

Revue horticole                                                       1891

Revue horticole                                                       1895

Revue horticole                                                       1900

Revue horticole                                                       1908

Revue horticole                                                       1910

Revue horticole                                                       1913

The Garden                                                              1899

Washington Post « A Washington Man who Farms Water » SM8, August 23, 1908

Washington Post « Lady of the Lilies » Page 15, May 31, 1935

Water Garden Journal V:2                                    1989

Water Garden Journal VIII:3                               1992   

Water Garden Journal  X.1                                                   1994

Water Garden Journal  15.2                                 1999 

Water Garden Journal 16.2                                                  2000

Water Garden Journal  17.1                                 2001

Water Garden Journal  17.4                                 2002

Water Garden Journal  19.1                                 2004

Water Garden Journal  19.2                                 2004

Water Garden Journal  19.4                                 2004

Water Gardening (Magazine)                            5/96-1/00             


Named Waterlilies A-Z  2M+ download, not recommended for dailup connections


For shorter download

A-Al | Am-Az | B-Bi | Bl-Bz | C-Ce | Ch-Cz | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K

L-Le | Li- Lz | M-Mar | Mas-Mz | N | O | P-Pe | Ph-Pi | Pl-Pz-Q

R-Ri | Ro-Rz | S-So | Sp-Sz | T | U-V | W-X | Y-Z


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