Kit & Ben Knotts
About us and the web site
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 Kit, Kevin Joyce & Ben

 Daybreak over Reflection

 Kit at the latop checking
Victoria babies

We are Kit and Dr. Ben Knotts and we live in Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA, on the oceanfront. I am a trainer of dressage horses by vocation and Ben is a Family Physician. Though we both have always enjoyed gardening, we really just fell into creating an aquatic garden of the magnitude to which ours has grown. Though it remains strictly a hobby, it occupies a great deal of our time. More about us, our pets and about the garden can be found in other sections of the web site linked below.

This is a totally non-commercial site dedicated to the dissemination of information about all aspects of water gardening. It began as a personal site to provide extensive information about the genus Victoria, launched in November 2001, but soon expanded to many other areas. Friends began to offer articles and images and before long water gardening experts from around the world became participants. Today the site seems to have a life of its own and is growing faster than we ever imagined it could. Though we are the owners of the web site and the associated email discussion list, we feel we are only custodians of this amazing on-line water gardening encyclopedia.

In January of 2006, we founded Water Gardeners International with the support and participation of water gardening friends throughout the world. WGI has already embarked on a number of exciting projects including its WGI Journal Online, Truly Named Certification of Waterlilies and International Checklist of Waterlily Names.

In the various sections of both web sites, you will find extensive information and galleries of images to help with plant identification and selection, pond building, gardens and organizations that feature aquatics. Hybridizers, collectors, growers and badly addicted hobbyists are profiled in our Friends section. We welcome the contribution of articles, images, profiles, ideas and corrections. This is your site as much as it is ours.

Web site design, articles, images and © 2006 by Kit and Ben Knotts unless otherwise specified. Articles by other authors and images by other photographers © 2006 by the originator and None may be reproduced or reprinted without specific permission.

Contact: Kit Knotts, Webmaster, or Darcy Presnell, Assistant Web Master

Our monitor is calibrated to for best viewing of images.

Material on this site which is not original is included under the Fair Use Statute of the Copyright Act for strictly educational purposes, is not being used by this site for any commercial purposes whatsoever, and all contributors have been given full bibliographical credit for the information used.

Back at home, Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral is our near neighbor to the north and the Space Program has always been a part of our lives. It has made Cocoa Beach a very interesting place to live, somewhat sophisticated but pretty laid back. Though the tourist traffic generated by the attractions in the Orlando area has somewhat spilled over to Cocoa Beach, our part of it is still fairly quiet.

Reflection after Floyd 

 The Magic Garden after Floyd

 A June thunderstorm

 A fall front approaches

We once thought Cape Canaveral was a factor in protecting us from the direct onslaught of hurricanes though we were often dealt glancing blows. Hurricane Floyd caused the worst damage in many years but moved its main force away from us at the very last moment. This was not the case in 2004, when two severe hurricanes struck us in three weeks. See Hurricanes 2004

 For more about us - Our Adventure With Victoria |  People, Places & Plants of the PCL
  About the Garden | About our Critters



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