This section is perhaps our favorite on the site, past, present
and future. Here we join with water gardening friends from around
the world to offer a wide variety of information and images from
many different points of view and locales.
The people represented here are uniquely talented and interesting
individuals, writers, photographers, artists, hybridizers, collectors,
scientists and just plain pond nuts, all with the common bond
of a love for water gardening, a desire to learn and a desire
to share knowledge. We invite contributions and suggestions for
"more than links".
The presentation is as varied as the people involved but we
begin each one's pages with a profile of them. Then we will link
to their articles, photos and web sites. We hope you enjoy our
friends as much as we do!
Newest Profiles -
Renowned Waterlily & Lotus Hybridizer
QingDao, China |
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Introduction to the section and newest profiles |
1 > |
K.K.Agrawal (India), Guillermo Angulo (Colombia), Michael Avishai
(Israel), Nan Bailey (Australia), Billy Bates & Steve Kennon
(Mississippi USA), Dieter Bechthold (Germany), Lou Belloisy (Connecticut
USA), Karine Belotti (France), Norman Bennett (United Kingdom),
Mauro Bergamo & Manlio Calvisi (Italy), Kathy Biggs (California
USA) Dr. Monroe Birdsey (Florida USA), Dave Brigante (Oregon
USA) |
2 > |
Jessica Clements (Texas USA), Marilyn Cook & Helen Nash (Indiana
USA), David & Mary Cook (United Kingdom & Kenya), Nedra
Crow (Missouri USA), David Curtright (California USA), John Dawes
(United Kingdom & Spain), Pol Detienne (Belgium), Barbara
& Larry Earl, (California USA), Duane Eaton (Texas USA),
Babs Ellinwood (Florida USA), Mobola Eogbogbo (Nigeria), Chris
Farmer (France) |
3 > |
Derek Fell (Pennsylvaina USA), Raffaele Ferraro (Colombia), Soni
Forsman (Minnesota USA), Bill Frase (Florida USA), Rainer &
Suwanna Gaide (Thailand), Jacques Gerber (South Africa), Theo
Germann, (Germany), Byoung Sup Ghill (South Korea), Hai Tran
(Georgia USA), Danny, Noa, Tsafi and Haim of Hazorea Aquatics
(Israel), Dr. Barre Hellquist (Massachusetts USA), Bill Heritage
(United Kingdom), Aaron J. Hicks (Arizona USA) |
4 > |
James Horne (Canada), Clyde Ikins (Texas USA), Huang Guozhen
(China), Jaewon Jung (Korea), Kevin Kenny (Trinidad & Tobago),
Angelika Kern (Austria), Tamara Kilbane (North Carolina USA),
Kenneth Khoo (Malaysia), Emilio Latorre (Colombia), Andre Leu
(Australia), Li Shu-juan (China), Pablo Maccor & Soledad
Dethiou (Argentina), Carlos Magdalena (United Kingdom), Tim Matson
(Vermont USA), Renata Mazzini (Brazil & United Kingdom),
Christian Meyer (Germany), John & Mary Mirgon (Colorado USA) |
5 > |
Fernando Molina O.M. (México), Alan Montour (Maryland
USA), Tom Naylor (Florida, USA), Charlie Northcroft (Australia),
Warner Orozco-Obando (Costa Rica & Alabama USA), Dr. Jeff
Osborn (Missouri USA), Walter Pagels (California USA), William
Phillips (Tennessee USA), Craig Presnell (Florida USA), Andreas
Protopapas (Cyprus), Angel Rodriguez & Carla Black (Panama),
Patti & Doug Rose (California USA) |
Page 6
> |
Rich Sacher (Louisiana USA), Fernando Santos (Venezuela), Linda
Siler (Missouri USA), Bernardette da Silva (Venezuela), Dick
Sloan (Arkansas USA), Perry Slocum (Florida & North Carolina
USA), Hideshi Sobue (Japan), Pairat Songpanich (Thailand), Josh
Spece (Iowa USA), Pam Spindola (California, USA), Janice Mason
Steeves (Canada) |
Page 7
> |
Sean Stevens (Canada), Dr. Kirk Strawn (Texas USA), Steve Stroupe
(Alabama USA), Joe Summers (Missouri USA), Philip Swindells (United
Kingdom), Daike Tian (China and USA), The Tierneys (Australia),
Charles B. Thomas (Pennsylvania USA), Mike Thomas (Colorado USA),
Tyler Tippin (Florida USA), Joe Tomocik (Colorado USA) |
Page 8
> |
Piers Trehane (United Kingdom), François van Avondt (Belgium),
Jamie Vande (Germany), Werner Wallner (Bavaria), Lady Susana
Walton (Italy), Dr. Slearmlarp Wasuwat (Thailand), Randolph Weedman
(Florida), Dorothy Whittembury (Venezuela), Dr. John Wiersema
(Maryland USA), Charles Winch (Australia), Jack Wood (Arizona
USA), John Wyman (North Carolina, USA), Gabriel & Carolina
Zumstein (Argentina) |