Our friend Dou Jian, of Nanjing Botanical Garden Mem. Sun Yat-Sen in China, suggested that we get to know Huang Guozhen, a famous breeder of waterlilies in QingDao. She put us in touch, we have corresponded, and welcome him to our “Friends” section. 


Huang Guozhen
QingDao, China

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I was born in 1933. In 1954 I finished my high school education and passed the examination into Wuhan National University, specializing in botany. My university education ended in 1958 and I came to Wuhan Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Science. Scientific research has been my profession since that time.

In 1962 I passed the national exam, and was a postgraduate at Beijing Forest University, with a specialty in genetics and breeding of horticultural plants. In 1965 I ended my study and came back to Wuhan Botanical Garden. I was a high research fellow until retirement in 1999. I researched lotus from 1978 until now and in 1994 I started to study the waterlily too.

In1985 to 1989 and 1993 to 1998 I was invited to the Modesto Lotus Garden in Modesto City, California USA. There I bred more than 120 varieties of lotus.

From 2001 until now, I have been at the Chinese Waterlily World in QingDao. I have bred more than 100 varieties of lotus and 150 varieties of waterlilies (hardy and tropical). I have also collected 150 hardy and 80 tropical waterlilies. I will continue my study at Chinese Waterlily World. It is my hope that the 2011 IWGS Symposium will take place here!

Huang Guozhen with his daughter and family at home in Turlock , California USA

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