Lotus (Nelumbo) Varieties used to produce
Seeds and Vegetables

Thanks to Li Shujian, Xi'an Botanical Garden, China
for the research that provided this list

N. 'Tangzhaotisi Lian'
Photo by Li Shujian

Varieties grown primarily to produce seeds
'Baihua Jianlian' Large single white
'Baixianglian' Large single white, Solferino purple tips and costa
'Baixin Xianglian' Large single red (rhodamine pink)
'Baiyelian' Large semidouble red (fuchsine pink)
'Donggua Lian' Large single red (rose madder)
'Dongshan Hongkelian' Large single red (rose bengal)
'Honghua Jianlian' Large single magenta red
'Hongkelian' Large single red (Persian rose)
'Honglian' Large single red (Persian rose)
'Xianglian' Large single red (rhodamine pink) 
Varieties grown primarily to produce vegetable roots
'Baiba' Large, no flowers
'Beijing Baihua Ou' Large single white, rose pink tips and costa
'Beijing Honghua Ou' Large single red (fuchsine pink)
'Changjie Liuyuebao' Large single white, rose pink tips and costa
'Dabaihua' Large single white, few flowers
'Dafangdou' Large single white, rose pink tips and costa
'Damaojie' Large single white, rose pink tips and costa
'Daqiingkai' Large single white, few flowers
'Dawolong' Large single white, rose pink tips and costa
'Daxiquedou' Large, no flowers
'Dong Ou' Large single red (rhodamine pink)
'Erbaihua' Large single white, few flowers
'Fenghuang Ou' Large single pink, few flowers
'Guiyang Ou' Large, no flowers
'Hainanzhou Ou' Large single white (pea green)
'Hangzhou Baihua Ou' Large single white, rose pink tips and costa
'Hua Ou' Large, no flowers
'Huaxiang Ou' Large single white, rose pink tips and costa
'Hunanpao' Large single white, rose pink tips and costa
'Jianzuihonghua' Large single red (fuchsine pink)
'Jiaopa' Large, no flowers
'Jiayu' Large single white, few flowers
'Liuyuebao' Large single white, few flowers
'Lutouzhong' Large single white, few flowers
'Man Ou' Large single white, rose pink tips and costa
'Maojie' Large single red (rhodamine pink)
'Paozi' Large single red (fuchsine pink)
'Piaohua Ou' Large, no flowers
'Qingmaojie' Large single white, rose pink tips and costa
'Quezi Yangzi' Large single white, rose pink tips and costa
'Shanxi Bailian' Large, no flowers
'Wuxi Baihe' Large, no flowers
'Xiangtan Huaye Ou' Large single pink, few flowers
'Xianhua Ou' Large single pink, few flowers
'Xiaomaojie' Large single white, rose pink tips and costa
'Xiaoxiquedou' Large, no flowers
'Xingcheng Ou' Large single white, few flowers
'Xuehu Ou' Large single white, rose pink tips and costa
'Yacheng Ou' Large single red (rhodamine pink)
'Zao Ou' Large single white, few flowers
'Zhimahu Ou' Large single red (rhodamine pink)
'Zhou Ou' Large single white, rose pink tips and costa
'Zhujie Ou' Large single white, rose pink tips and costa
'Zhuweiba' Large single white, rose pink tips and costa 

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