Making New Waterlily Hybrids

From Conception to Bloom
Page 2

By Craig Presnell
Click images to enlarge

Seedlings 3/1/02

Seedlings 3/8/02

Seedlings 3/15/02

First bud 3/15/02
March 15, 2002, the seedlings have been potted individually (10 total) and two have buds! The one pictured at the left is the second plant from the right in the photo above.

Seedlings 3/22/02

First flowers! 3/29/02
Though both are white, the first has a hint of yellow, the second has better petal count >>


Seedlings 4/3/02
(The white seedlings were discarded)

Seedlings 4/11/02 

 Seedlings 4/18/02
(These seedlings were discarded)

A contender!
First day flower

The contender's second day flower

Another seedling blooming for the first time

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