of the PCL of Waterlily Names Introduction By Kit Knotts Such a project required a worldwide effort and would have been almost impossible without the internet and email. Over the year that I worked on the PCL, information came from surprising and interesting places. In extensive correspondence with some contributors, I became really interested in learning something about the people themselves. If I were completely truthful, I've probably used writing this article as an excuse to satisfy my own curiosity! As we all do, I began to picture the people at the other end
of cyberspace. In my mind, John Wiersema was relatively ancient,
leonine, probably crotchety, writing to me from a tiny Washington
office stacked to the roof with dusty books on the computer equivalent
of an old Royal typewriter. Was I ever wrong!
From the countryside in Australia, Charlie Northcroft's stories
evoke a sense of almost other-worldly charm. Chris Farmer conveys
the picture of a dedicated, determined Brit in oh-so-laid-back
France, loving every minute of his life. Suwanna and Rainer Gaide
from Thailand seem the perfect meld of cultures. I am extremely
grateful to these people from their enormous contributions to
the PCL but I am equally grateful for the life they breathed
into it. Part of the fascination of these and all contributors to the PCL is the diversity of their lives, past, present and future. It took so many of us to accomplish this seemingly impossible goal, from hobbyists to scientists, from Europe to Asia, each unique and invaluable. We did it! Though I resigned as Registrar on completion and approval
of the PCL, I continue to keep the list of Waterlily
Names current for this web site. The following articles are
reprinted from Pond & Garden May-June 2000, Volume 2, Issue