Emilio Latorre
Cali, Colombia

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I was dedicated to bromeliads, but about three years ago I bought an aquatic plant (which I later learned was a Nymphaea 'Daubenyana'). I bought it in a nursery that kept bonsais and had only two or three of these strange (at the time) water plants in a little pond.

I took it home and left it with water in a plastic bag for about a week. Then I entered the Internet and started reading about water plants (Water Gardeners International site) so I potted it and left it in the sun with water in a big plastic container.

To my surprise a few days later there was a small flower coming from this plant. Now I have about 300 plants that all came from this beginner. 

I then started to develop some interesting small circular ponds and later linear ponds in brick and stone.

With practice I then bought some night blooming waterlilies here in Colombia and later other plants from Argentina, from a wonderfull nursery called Sumergidas.com.


Not long ago I decided to build bigger ponds in brick and plastic which I call my "portable" ponds and they have worked very well. I built them in an abandoned tennis court, and now I am planning to build a sort of labyrinth of ponds with small bridges and paths, so that people can relax and "get lost" in this area. 

I have to say that all that I know has been provided by Water Gardeners International, by Babs Ellinwood, Kit Knotts, my friend in Argentina Laura Zampedri, my constant study, and work with waterlilies. Observation and then confrontation with books has been the secret.

I hope I can keep on admiring nature through the wonderful family of water plants, which I discovered one sunny morning in Cali, Colombia, while I was waiting for my car to be repaired in front of a bonsai nursery. 

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