Cologne, Germany Click images below to enlarge
My Mum takes a certain amount of amused pride in recalling
to friends my first words, such as flowlu, fishhh, birt (I couldn't
get the "d" or "er" sound, no teeth, yet).
Little did she know then, it would become a life-long obsession!
Having been born in England, where there is a centuries long
interest in understanding and categorising the natural world,
such occupational hazards are much the rule of thumb. Water is probably the single most important element in my
life, as I have never lived far from a major body of water, be
it the Atlantic, Pacific, Tarn, Thames, Amsel or Rhein. I just
have to have its presence. I'm even born under a water sign!
That I would spend my free time with aquaria and ponds and all
that grows around is no surprise to my family and most of them
have been witness to many experiments in the I currently reside in Cologne, Germany, one of the oldest
cities in northern Europe with a population of plus one million.
Built by the Romans along the Rhein, the settlement first attained
its city rights in A.D. 50 under the name Colonia Claudia Ara
Agrippinensium, which, through history has been shortened to
Colonia, then Coeln and finally Köln. The version Cologne
was French and stuck in the English language. By the way, we
are not named after the perfumed water, it is named after the
city! We enjoy a mild climate, rarely reaching -10°C in Winter
or broaching +35°C in Summer. In many ways, we resemble the
Pacific Midwest in the U.S.A. Due to the relatively crowded nature
of older European cities, large gardens are seldom found and
I am indeed lucky to have about 600 sq. meters to cultivate.
In comparison with my American gardening friends, a postage stamp!
Such restrictions force one to concentrate his efforts and make
every square centimetre count. I'm always amazed at just how
much one can cram in! I suppose it is quite normal that a gardener chooses a few favourites to "work" with, to truly investigate and understand their requirements and complexity, for myself, Iris, orchids, Hemerocallis, roses, water lilies and lotus have been recurring themes. My main hybridising programs revolve around Hemerocallis and water Iris, with Nymphaea now becoming an attainable goal. You see, this is the first time I have actually owned a house, making all sorts of nonsense possible! I'm already eyeing the neighbours' property to annex in the name of research! A bit about my current pond, which is not very large at 10
x 4 meters, with an attached water run of about 15 meters connecting
to the main body via a small waterfall. There is something about
the sound of running water that excites and soothes all at the
same time. I have, also, noted that a watercourse is an excellent
opportunity to create a natural filter system! Via a series of
dammed sections, the water drops its organic load as it flows
through the course, picking |