Randolph Weedman
Saint Augustine, Florida USA

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I am a lifetime resident of Saint Augustine. My family has been here in the same place since 1768. They were among the 500 servants indentured to Dr. Andrew Turnbull and led the revolt from New Smyrna to St. Augustine soon after their arrival. The rich heritage of my family's struggles to come to the New World from the island of Minorca, found off the coast of Spain, is something to be proud of.

My great love of water gardening is a passion that fulfills me in many ways. As a teenager I built many ponds for neighbors, family and friends.

I studied voice under a Julliard graduate in Jacksonville, Florida. I have sung in many professional plays and productions including Fiddler on the Roof in the late 1970's.

In the mid 1980's I helped run the family grocery store in Orangedale, Florida. I later became a floral designer. I still help out with that on the major holidays, especially Mothers Day even though I am officially retired.

The spring of 2006 something sparked a renewed interest in water gardening. I know that it will always be a part of the creative side of my life.

Randolph has contributed many pond and fish photos used elsewhere on the web sites.

< This 27 inch red fin plecostomus was caught by a shrimper last year in the St. Johns River. He is a real prize and keeps my pond free of all algae. 

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