Our New Horse Palace

Part 4 - Settled In
Click images to enlarge

Street side

Paddocks/riding areas

Back view

Barn from back

The Kid working
instead of eating

Marc street-watching

Our remote monitor cameras let us look in at live video from any computer. They also take and store still images when they sense motion.

We lost our much loved Pegasus in August 2007. He was the first foal born at our former farm in Orlando, also named Pegasus. He was the son of the magical Neapolitano Apollo and the lovely Piber mare Platana 7. At age 28, he was still going strong at about Prix St. George until a torn crutiate ligament from a misstep laid him up. A "leaky" injection of the stifle with Vetalog led to laminitis and ultimately his death. We miss him.

< Part 1 | < Part 2 | < Part 3

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