Look What I Did!
Comes To Paradise

by Kit & Ben Knotts
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Richard, Lowell, Chris

After weeks of warm, sunny, dry weather, the HGTV (Home & Garden Television) crew arrived to rain and wind. They came to Paradise to shoot a segment of "Look What I Did!", a new series that will begin to air in the summer of 2006. 

The goal was to shoot 3-5 hours of footage for 3-5 on-air minutes about our pond building. This would not be easy even in good weather since they arrived mid-afternoon. Fortunately Amy and Chris had come by for a preview the sunny afternoon before and shot some of the "beauty" footage. Other segments in their format were "demonstration" (how to dig, set concrete, set stone), "interviews", "walkthrough" (where we talk about different elements of the garden), and "enjoying the garden with friends". 
The original plan was to do the "demos" first. The rain quickly forced us inside after setting one rock. Enough footage was shot to suffice. Jane Kirschenbaum, Jennifer Kirschenbaum and Judy George arrived for the "friends" segment so we all braved the slightly lighter rain to shoot that. The still camera stayed inside.

Jane, Judy, Amy

Lowell, Richard, Chris, Scott
Using the overhang of the second floor deck to protect the equipment, part of "interviews" came next with, you guessed it, the subject in the rain. The rain stopped though the clouds remained and we ventured back into the garden for "walkthrough" and out on to the beach for additional "interviews".  

Richard, Lowell, Chris

Kit, Chris, Richard, Lowell

Lowell, Amy, Richard, Kit, Chris

Chris, Amy, Scott, Richard, Lowell

Kit, Lowell, Scott, Richard

With the light failing, we proceeded to "demo", digging, mixing and setting concrete. Luckily the video cameras performed far better in low light than our still camera! After a few more beauty shots, Amy delightedly declared it a "wrap", in record time in spite of the weather and shortness of available daylight.   

Kit, Chris, Richard

Richard, Chris, Kit

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