Repotting Victoria Step
by Step
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1. Standard Repot
An overgrown plant in need of repotting
The plant out of the pot, few anchoring roots remain
Removing rot from the base of the rhizome
Feeder roots above soil
Replacing the plant deeper
in the pot
Adding sand around crown
<Arranging and washing the pads after repotting
>The plant recovered to
bloom again
2. Chop and Drop
The large Victoria at Merritt Island Ace Hardware and
Garden Center desperately needed repotting because its crown
was out of the water. It was planted in a shallow plastic container
of about 15 gallons and also very rootbound. We removed older
pads, wrestled the plant out of its pot and used a large knife
to slice off the bottom half of its roots and rhizome. We slid
it back into its pot and added soil. The plant did well until
the weather turned very cold when it died.