Victoria 2006
White River Gardens
at the Indianapolis Zoo

by Susan Micks
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Proud mom Susan in May

In July

In August

In the Allen W. Clowes Water Garden, part of White River Gardens at the Indianapolis Zoo, we have four 15' x 30' formal pools, around which are planted bulbs for spring and annuals for summer. The year the Gardens opened we had very few water plants. I think we had three water lilies and a few lotus. Now these pools have 60-plus waterlilies and lotus that delight our visitors.

I started seed of Victoria 'Longwood Hybrid' in February and put the plant out the first week of May in a 12 gallon container. The lily, which I called "Victor Victoria", achieved pads of 54 inches across. I certainly learned a lot while growing this wonderful plant.

Guests this summer were excited to view the beautiful Victoria. I loved being close by to listen to the comments. "Wow, is that thing real?" "That can't be real" and "I've never seen anything like that!" Whenever I was in the water, grooming or providing the weekly feeding, guests would surround the pool with curious questions.

Gallery 2 >

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Victoria Page by Dr. Mary Welch Keesey, Purdue University

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