From the slide collection of and ©
Dr. Clyde Ikins

Digitized by Dr. Jerry Parsons and the San Antonio Botanical Garden
Provided to Victoria-Adventure by Dr. Jerry Parsons and Duane Eaton
Reproduced with the permission of all parties

Nymphaea 'Clyde Ikins'

Hardy Waterlilies
Complete Gallery

(1+ M - Not recommended for dialup connections)

For shorter downloads -
A | B-Ch | Cl-D | E-G | H-J | K-L | M | N-O | P-Ph |
Pi-Py | Q-Ri | Ro-Ry | S | T-Z

Nymphaea 'Mrs. C.W. Ward'

Tropical Day Blooming Waterlilies
Complete Gallery

(300+ K - Not recommended for dialup connections)

For shorter downloads -
Tropical Day Bloomers A-D | E-G | H-M | N-Re | Rh-Z


Nymphaea 'Missouri'
Tropical Night Blooming


Victoria 'Longwood Hybrid'



 Victoria & Euryale

Nelumbo 'Sharon'

Lotuses (Nelumbo)
Complete Gallery

For shorter downloads
Lotus A-N | O-Z

Iris 'Chateau Michelle'

Louisiana Irises
Complete Gallery

(400K - Not recommended for dialup connections)

For shorter downloads -
Galleries A-Ch | Ch-J | K-Mar | May-Re | Ro-Z

with Historical and Hybridizing Notes by Dick Sloan


Pontederia cordata

Aquatic Plants


Lakeside Gardens

Lakeside Gardens


The Story of
Blooming Friendships
(or how the Dr. Clyde Ikins Slide Collection
came to Victoria-Adventure)

by Duane Eaton

Profile - Dr. Clyde Ikins

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