Nymphaea 'George L. Thomas' Strawn c. 1995
by Charles B. Thomas
During a visit with Kirk during the mid 1990's Kirk and I
were walking around his ponds. We came upon some lilies that
had recently been thrown on the pond bank to dry and die.
I told Kirk, "I like that red one." He replied that
he didn't like the way it grew. I'm not sure if he meant it grew
too fast or too slowly. I told Kirk that I loved its brilliance,
and I'd like to try it, and asked if he would grow out 500 plants
for me.
Kirk agreed, saying that I could have an exclusive with it and
name it. Then he gave me one to sample at Lilypons. It grew beautifully
with plenty of blossoms and multiplied nicely in Maryland.
As it turned out, Kirk lost his stock of it, while after several
years we had enough at LWG to offer it publicly.
Kirk never sold any George L Thomas (as far as I know). However,
he certainly deserves credit for its origination.
It was named for four family members bearing its name: my grandfather,
father, brother, and his son (my nephew, the only surviving George
L. Thomas).