N. 'Laydekeri Alba'

'Laydekeri Alba', according to Chris Farmer at Latour-Marliac in France, was not a Latour-Marliac hybrid. Though the name appears in several books and catalogs, it is probably a nickname for something resembling a Marliac hybrid. Who is 'Laydekeri Alba'?

John Sou, Australia, provides the following information and image:

"Flowers cup-shaped white and has a scent of tea-like fragrance. Leaves oval to round, purplish-deep green with purplish-brown splashes fading to medium green with age. As far as I know this lily originated in the UK/Europe. It was believed that this lily had similar features to the other Marliac hybrids (Nymphaea 'Laydekeri Fulgens' and Nymphaea 'Lydekeri Rosea') hence the name "laydekeri" was used."

We still don't know the originator.

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