Waterlily Planting Instructions
By Sharyn Munn, Hudson, Florida
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1. Take a one, three or larger pot and cover the holes in the bottom with several layers of fluffy newspaper.


2. Fill 1/3 of the pot with kitty litter, clay, or my favorite - 1/2 top soil and 1/2 play sand mixture.


3. Add Pondtabbs or slow release fertilizer and mix it with the soil.

4. Add more soil to within two inches of the top of the pot.


5. Position the plant in the center of the pot. If it is a hardy waterlily, position one side against the side of the pot and the growing point toward the center.


6. Fill with one inch of play sand. This will prevent the top soil from discoloring the pond water.


7. Plant a waterlily tuber just at the surface.


If you have koi, add a layer of pea gravel to the top of the pot to prevent the fish from uprooting your plants.

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