"Chop and Drop"
of a
Large Tropical Waterlily

by Kit Knotts - Click images to enlarge


We have mentioned the problem we have with tropical waterlily overgrowth in Repotting Overgrown Tropicals but this one is a slightly different case. Our Nymphaea 'Smoulder' grew toward the center of the pond and needed to be moved back to the edge. Like most hybrids of N. ampla, 'Smoulder' tends to grow somewhat sideways.

The shovel is at one end of the one-year growth rhizome, the crown at the other.

 With a sharp knife we cut the huge rhizome near the crown
and removed it.

We dug up and floated the plant back toward the edge of the pond. The shovel is again included for scale.

'Smoulder' is safely reinstalled in the sand bottom,
anchored with rocks.

Repotting Overgrown Tropicals

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