James Knock, who lives in the United Kingdom, has been a dedicated collector of Strawn waterlily cultivars for many years and is an expert in their identification and cultivation. Most cultivars were obtained directly from Strawn Water Gardens in the years 1994 through 1998.

In these galleries, James takes us through seasonal and age related changes in coloration of many Strawn cultivars. High summer in England, sometimes only two to three weeks long, provides the most dramatic colors of all, often not seen in other climates. None of the images have been color enhanced or color adjusted.  

James Knock's Tribute
to the
Brilliance of Kirk Strawn

Photos & Notes © James Knock, www.fishponds.com - Click images to enlarge 

Nymphaea 'Walter Pagels' 1993

A great little lily named after the greatest water plant hunter of our time, Walter Pagels.

This hybrid has one characteristic which sets it apart from other miniatures. Generally the smaller the variety the simpler the blooms are, but not this one. The flowers are the most double I know for any hardy of this size. Add to this the lovely subtle colouring and you have quite a plant. The first blooms that young plants produce, particularly in spring, often lack the subtle tints of mature ones.

By high summer flowers become ivory white with gorgeous pink and salmon tints. Fully mature plants will thrust their blooms well above the foliage on good strong stems. From a distance you could be forgiven for thinking this is a white lily, but closer inspection will reveal its true beauty. Like many of Kirk's wonderful hybrids the flowers are exceptionally large, especially for such a compact plant.

The leaves of 'Walter Pagels' are a lovely fresh apple green with a wide open sinus. Unusual for a small variety, they are particularly thick and sturdy; subsequently they are rarely damaged even by hail. See also 'Little Sue'.

Although I would class this as a miniature, its running rootstock needs to be planted in a good sized container. Failure to do this results in lots of small leaves and few flowers. When happy this is a very easy free flowering hybrid, ideal for any small pond or tub garden.

^ Summer

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For shorter downloads:
N. 'Barbara Davies' through N. 'Clyde Ikins' | N. 'Colorado' through N. 'Liou'
N. 'Little Sue' through N. 'Pink Pumpkin' | N. 'Pink Sparkle' through N. 'Yuh Ling'

N. 'Walter Pagels' by other photographers

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