Proposed New Anecphya/Brachyceras Hybrid
by Mio Sato, Japan

Text and images by Mio Sato - Click to enlarge

These are pictures of a hybrid with Nymphaea gigantea (blue) as the seed parent and pollen from N. 'Evelyn Randig' (pink). I have seen the reports of the hybrids between subgenera Anecphya x Brachyceras (N. 'William Phillips' and N. 'Yasuhiro'). I have also succeeded in making a new hybrid between these!

I sowed the seeds in June of 2006 and the first blooming was December 2006. The flower diameter is 8 cm (3"). The floral structures are similar to N. ' Evelyn Randig' but the petal color is purple-blue like N. gigantea. The stamens appear intermediate between the parents.


A significant characteristic is that the leaves have some marbled spots like N. 'Evelyn Randig'. They are very interesting! Unfortunately, new leaves have definite spots, but they fade as the pads age. The sinus also is very interesting.

The plant is now in a 12 cm (5") pot. I believe that, if I transplant into a large pot its
flower size will be large.


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