Pairat Songpanich
Nonthaburi, Thailand

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I'm 50 years old, married with two kids, 14 and 16. I live in Nonthaburi, Thailand. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Science and work with Rubber Research Institute, Thai Department of Agriculture, in Bangkok. 

I used to grow orchids in my leisure time. The impression of a lovely Nymphaea 'Perry's Fire Opal', some years ago, ignited my interested in growing waterlilies at home. I started hybridizing hardy waterlilies and have many new cultivars of them in the field. I have received much invaluable advice from Dr. Slearmlarp Wasuwat, who was my instructor and also my former boss, on the selection of the new cultivars. 

   Hardy waterlily parents in cement bowls on my rooftop garden for hybridizing. 


New hybrids in the selection field.


My 'Tan-khwan' was the
IWGS Best New Hardy
Waterlily in 2006.


'Miss Siam' was the
IWGS Best New Hardy
Waterlily in 2007.

'Siam Blue Hardy'

The world's first blue hardy waterlily

I'm an amateur photographer. I have been an award winner in six years of the Nikon Photo Contest International (NPCI) and have won awards in some other major contests in my country. I like swimming and diving, as well as taking underwater photographs. 

"Surreal Racing"
Third Place
Nikon Photo Contest International 1988-1989

"Undersea Life #1"
Grand Prize
Nikon Photo Contest International 1991-1992

Pairat has sent a large group of stunning images for the galleries. This small sample should whet the appetite for the rest.

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