PIDEL Spring 2005
(People Interested in Developing Extraordinary Waterlilies)
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The semi-annual meeting of PIDEL convened Friday, April 15, 2005, at the brand new Luster Aquatic Nursery in Zolfo Springs, Florida. Several charter members were unable to attend so no momentous issues were discussed. Instead attendees, Rich Sacher, Kit Knotts, Craig and Darcy Presnell, enjoyed a tour of the ponds and shadehouse as well as a delicious lunch on the charming screen porch under a massive oak tree at the Presnell's new home. Though the nursery has been delayed in development by hurricanes, it appears few waterlilies have been lost.

New propagation tanks

Rich and Craig

Natural bottom pond and
the SS Minnow

Some of Craig's hybrids



'Delaney Pete'

'Midnight Reflection'


Yes, he's real and WAY too tame!

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