Whistling Swan

Audubon probably painted this swan in London in 1838. In Havell’s engraving, there are three yellow water-lilies of considerable interest. Audubon first referred to the flowers in a letter written from London to John Bachman in April 14, 1838: “Has Leitner published the New Plants he discovered in the Floridas? I ask this latter question because on the 83 number of my work, Plate 411(the Havell plate number), I have represented a New Nymphea, which unpublished by him, I should like in my letter press to name after Docr Leitner’s name, ‘Nymphea Leitnernia.’” Edward F. Leitner, the German botanist to whom Audubon refers, had been killed in Florida by Seminole Indians three months before this letter was written. The yellow water-lily came to be considered another extravagant figment of Audubon’s vivid imagination, but in 1876 it was rediscovered and today is known as Nymphea mexicana.

From http://www.intca.com/audubon/

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