The Art of Aquatic Cooking

Lotus Tuber
& Other Vegetable

By Tuckfook Ng, Penang, Malaysia 

Tempura batter mix from the supermarket and prepare per instructions.

Prepare vegetables, eg. carrots, eggplant, potatoes, capsicum and of course the lotus tuber. Cut the tuber perpendicularly into thin slices, 1/8 inch maximum.

Dip in batter and quickly deep fry. I eat as quickly as I can fry.

You can also add shrimps, fish, and whatever you fancy for the tempura. Remember to keep the slices thin for the quick cooking times.

Lotus Tuber Basics
Lotus Tuber Chicken Soup & Chicken in Plum Sauce
Fish & Lotus Tuber Stir Fry
Bean Sprout & Lotus Tuber Stir Fry with Crispy Bacon

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