In February 2002, Guillermo Angulo decided to move his Victoria
'Longwood Hybrid', which was bursting from its pot and outgrowing
its bathtub, to a pond. Guillermo photographed the move as "Tegualda's"
gardeners Hilda, Crisanto and William carefully moved and replanted
the Victoria. After several weeks it appeared completely recovered,
making three new pads and preparing to bloom again. To keep it
warm on cool nights a cover was constructed from branches, wire
and bubble plastic.brid', which was bursting from its pot and
outgrowing its bathtub, to a pond. Guillermo photographed the
move as "Tegualda's" gardeners Hilda, Crisanto and
William carefully moved and replanted the Victoria. After several
weeks it appeared completely recovered, making three new pads
and preparing to bloom again. To keep it warm on cool nights
a cover was constructed from branches, wire and bubble plastic. |