Our Adventure 2001
The Pollen Prof
Click images to enlarge
In 1999, we became very interested in the possibility of a
cross between Victoria and Euryale. See "Can
It Happen?" We have since concluded that, at least in
our conditions, the cross doesn't work but looking at pollen
and wondering about it has led us to a new friendship.
Nymphaea pollen is single celled like most pollens. Victoria
is uniquely tetrad. (See "Scope
Stuff") One day when looking at Euryale pollen
we found both single cells and tetrads. We sent the pictures
to Dr. Ed Schneider, who explained that this was not impossible,
that pollens begin as tetrads and separate very quickly (except
Victoria). He also suggested that Dr. Jeffrey Osborn,
a specialist in pollen, might be interested in what we were seeing.
Jeff was interested! The second time we found tetrads in the
Euryale pollen, we preserved it in alcohol and sent it
to him in a film canister. The canister was crushed in shipment
and our sample irretrievable. At about that time, the plant's
bloom rhythm changed and we were no longer able to predict when
the pollen would dehisce.
It took an extra year for a proposed visit from Jeff, for the
purpose of collecting Victoria and Euryale pollen,
to happen. Labor Day Weekend 2001, he and two students, Julie
Strandquist and Patrick Hudson, all from Truman State University
in Kirksville, Missouri, arrived. We couldn't help but laugh
that this had to be the cushiest field expedition ever.
Our only Euryale was almost dead so collecting pollen
from it was unsuccessful. We harvested many samples of dehiscing
Victoria pollen but Jeff's real interest was in collecting
samples as the pollen developed within buds. We agreed to sacrifice
to science all the buds that we could remove without damaging
our biggest 'Longwood Hybrid'. The anthers were placed in vials
of fixative for return to Jeff's lab. There they would be examined
more closely, some of them suspended in plastic, sliced thinly
and looked at with electron microscopes.
'Longwood Hybrid' buds |
It became evident that being able to look at even younger
buds would be really desirable so we dug up a young and not especially
vigorous cruziana. Cruziana is notorious for showing
and then aborting buds so the image below is somewhat deceptive
- buds 2 and 3 have already aborted. Buds 1, 4 and 5 are the
ones actually developing.
Back at Truman State, Jeff and his students are studying pollen
development in Victoria and other members of the order
Nymphaeales (the water lilies) for several reasons. Water lilies
are widely regarded to be primitive among flowering plants. Although
studies of pollen structure and
development provide important evolutionary characters, very little
is known about these in Victoria and in other water lilies.
Therefore, new data about pollen formation in water lilies will
provide a better
understanding about this important biological process in ancient
flowering plants overall.
month after Jeff was here, we had a small amazonica in
decline so we dug it up. Jeff had left us some vials, fixative
and detailed instructions for preparing the buds to send him
in this event. We took the opportunity to dissect the little
crown very slowly for photos and found it fascinating as always
but had two bonuses from it. The first was actually following
the leaf stems youngest to oldest, tracing the rotating triangle
of growth from stem to stem. The second was a really beautiful
example of new roots emerging from the base of stem, a little
bud next to them. More images are in a gallery
Profile - Dr. Jeff Osborn
2001 A
Banner Year! | Roots
| The Cruziana Clock
| The Pollen Prof
Seeds of the Century
| Dissection
of V. amazonica
Our Adventure
Overview | 1998
The Adventure Begins
1999 The Adventure Continues
| 2000 A Very Bad Year
| 2001 A Banner Year
2002 An Even Better Year
| 2003 We Like It Like This |
2004 Trust
2005 Recovery | 2006
Normal? | 2007 Weird | 2008 Year of the Hare
2009 Year
of the (White) Tortoise