Our Adventure With Victoria 2002

Tracking C47B
By Kit Knotts - Click images to enlarge
Because V. cruziana is the biggest puzzle of the Victorias
for us, we are planning to track our first installed for 2002
with regular pictures and a journal of progress and problems.
Check in here the first and middle of each month to track "C47B"
with us.
The plant is one that was started in the fall from Paraguayan
seeds (See 2001 Seeds
of the Century) and struggled through the winter with 6-8"
pads in a heated tank. It was subjected to trials and errors
and we almost lost it several times. Once we balanced its nutrients,
it got pretty happy but became pot-bound before we were ready
to plant it, stalling at 10-12" pads.

5/29/02 |
The middle of May we planted it in a built-in pot in "Victoria"
(See Garden
Diagram). At the time it had five pads, the largest of which
was 12". Two weeks later it has six pads, 10", 12",
14", 16", 22" and 26". Though caterpillars
are rampant and eating holes in the pads quicker than we can
hand-pick them off, the plant is otherwise healthy and growing
rapidly. |

6/14/02 |
By mid-June we are delighted with the growth rate of the pads.
In two weeks, the maximum pad size has increased to 38".
We are not happy that older pads are deteriorating rapidly. We
plan to play a little with the nutrient package to see if we
can improve this. |

7/1/02 |
This is not a very happy plant right now. Though the largest
pad is 43", there are only three and they are shrinking.
We increased the nutrients a little just as we entered several
weeks of continuous clouds and rain, which reduced the daytime
water temperature. We have now reduced feeding substantially
until we see improvement in the weather AND the plant. |

7/14/02 |
FINALLY the sun has returned to the Sunshine State. This
is our first day without clouds and rain in weeks. The plant
is still not happy. We have resumed almost normal feeding based
on pad surface area and hope that sun and heat will do the rest.
Other cruzianas in higher light areas of the garden (namely
the dune) are doing better than this one. |

7/30/02 |
The plant is still shrinking in pad diameter but is holding
the same number as before. We are starting to "burp"
it -- pushing the crown down to release gasses trapped under
it. It has been hot and sunny for two weeks. Other cruzianas
continue to thrive. |

8/31/02 |
We began this journal hoping we would be tracking a big beautiful
Paraguayan cruziana blooming its head off and making tons
of seeds to share with everyone. It is still losing size but
isn't unhealthy unless you consider that it only holds four pads.
We are still hoping it will bloom. |

9/20/02 |
Hope for flowers shrinks with the plant.
10/13/02 - The plant was near death and dug up. |