Each seed that germinates is tracked and its record includes
sprout date, planting date, dates of the first 2 to 4 floating
leaves, dates of increasing pot size, and disposition. When seedlings
reach 6" pots, they are measured weekly for pad diameter,
rim height, and number of pads. The amount of fertilizer given
is recorded.
Plants that are installed in our ponds move to another database.
There we record weekly measurements of pad diameter, rim height,
number of pads, high and low water temperatures, amount of fertilizer
calculated from a formula based on total surface area, plant
condition and other notes. The date of each flower is recorded,
as well as the self or cross including pollen parent flower number,
night or morning bred, pollen quality and storage time. Date
of pod rupture, number and quality of seeds are also noted. Flower
numbers, selfs and crosses per plant, seed yield per pod, plant,
and type of cross are entered in a spreadsheet. Current year
lot numbers are assigned. At the end of the seed season, these
numbers are added to a summary spreadsheet.
When the seed bank opens, usually in November, we record everyone
who requests and receives seeds from us. This includes addresses,
lot and number of seeds, date requested, dates of notification
of receipt of request and notification of seeds sent, date sent,
method of mailing, and if the recipient confirms receipt of the
seeds as requested. In the seven years we have been providing
seeds and small plants to others, we have filled more than 1,400
requests and sent out more than 77,000 seeds and plants. Each
year we send to an average of 28 countries and each year we supply
an average of 34 botanic and public gardens, some of those passing
extra plants on to other gardens.
Below are some numbers that reflect our interest in Victoria
and improvements we have made in their cultivation and seed production
over time. Please note that we now stop breeding as flowers get
small later in the season, and since 2007 have not made the backcross
hybrids. Details about each year can be found in "Our
Adventure With Victoria". |