Andreas Protopapas'
Gallery of Hardy Waterlilies
Click images to enlarge
All photos by and © A. Protopapas
May not be reproduced without permission of A. Protopapas
 N. 'Laydekeri Fulgens' N. 'Laydekeri Liliacea'
 N. 'Laydekeri Rosea Prolifera'
 N. 'Lucida'
N. 'Lusitania'


N. 'Madame Wilfron Gonnere'

N. 'Maria' N. 'Margurite LaPlace'
 N. marliacea 'Albida'  N. marliacea 'Carnea'
N. marliacea 'Flammea'  N. marliacea 'Ignea'
 N. marliacea 'Rosea'  N. 'Masaniello'
 N. 'Maurice Laydeker'  N. mexicana
 N. 'Moorei'  

 Gallery A | Gallery B-C | Gallery D-F | Gallery G-J | Gallery L-M
Gallery N-P | Gallery Q-S | Gallery T-Z
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