
Species of Nymphaea subgenus Nymphaea
(species as recognized by GRIN)
Click images to enlarge or for galleries

 N. alba More Images
Barre Hellquist Photo

 N. alba var. rubra  More Images
Photo & © A. Protopapas

 N. candida More Images
Barre Hellquist Photo

 N. leibergii More Images
Barre Hellquist Photo

 N. mexicana  More Images
John Wiersema Photo

 N. odorata  More Images
John Wiersema Photo

 N. odorata
subsp. odorata
 More Images
Barre Hellquist Photo

 N. odorata
subsp. tuberosa
More Images
Photo & © A. Protopapas
 Nymphaea pygmaea Click to enlarge
Barre Hellquist Photo

 N. tetragona More Images
Barre Hellquist Photo

 Natural hybrids of Nymphaea subgenus Nymphaea

Waterlily Family Tree - Nymphaea Cultivar Images

Complete List of Nymphaea in the GRIN Taxonomy Database
List of Currently Accepted Nymphaea Species with Links to Images
Galleries of Nymphaea Species Images by Subgenus
Anecphya | Brachyceras | Hydrocallis | Lotos | Nymphaea

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