Chromosome Counts
Of Waterlilies
And Other Nymphaeaceae
By Walter Pagels
In a letter to
21 November 2000
Since the question of chromosome numbers often comes up but
the answers are not available in the popular literature, I thought
it would be useful to list numbers for the waterlilies which
we grow. Some of these numbers were determined over 70 years
ago for waterlily hybrids and cultivars that are no longer found
in the trade, but they are included here because they have been
described in the literature and used for hybridizing.
First off, the base haploid chromosome number for the genus
Nymphaea is x=14.
Because the cells in a flowering plant contain chromosomes
originating from the union of two haploid gametes this number
is designated as 2n. Consequently, the basic number of chromosomes
(2n) in a Nymphaea cell is 2x or 28. The plants with this
number are called diploids. However, over the
millions of years that the genus Nymphaea has existed
on earth, mutations and hybrids have occurred which caused the
chromosomes in some cases to increase or decrease in number.
When an increase is by whole number factors, these plants are
called polyploids. Specifically, when 2n=3x, the plants are called
triploids; when 2n=4x, the plants are called tetraploids; when
2n=6x, the plants are called hexaploids, etc., but the champion
is our own hexadecaploid N. gigantea with 2n=16x=224.
In a few species where the number of chromosomes are not a whole
number multiple of the base number x, these are caused by mutations
that altered the chromosome numbers by fusion of formerly separate
chromosomes or failure of some chromosomes to separate at meiosis.
These plants are called aneuploids and are pointed out in the
list below. |
Hexadecaploid N. gigantea |
With this said, it is interesting to note that some waterlily
species are found to have more than one chromosome number. This
is because although some plants have great variability in their
cytological aspects; their physical appearance is not sufficiently
different to cause botanists to separate them
into individual species. Historically, chromosome numbers carried
no taxonomic weight because the numbers were not available. Variations
in chromosome numbers in a single species are most apparent in
wide ranging species such as N. alba, N. stellata, and
N. lotus. In the mid 1800s when botanist Robert Caspary
(member of the Waterlily Hall of Fame) was studying N. alba,
he noted nine distinguishable waterlily variations in populations
that could be keyed to certain geographical locations. Accordingly,
assigned varietal names such as Nymphaea alba var.engystigma;
West Prussia, near Danzig. His large number of varieties with
often modest differences proved too unwieldy for practical use,
so Henry Conard (another member of the Waterlily Hall of Fame)
only considered the most important variation from the type: N.
alba var. rubra (from which all our red hardy waterlilies
are derived). Henry Conard's Monograph "The Waterlilies"
gives a good summary of Caspary's work in this area. (Note: Betsy
Sakata informs me that reprints of this 322 page Monograph are
again available at nominal cost to IWGS members.)
The Nymphaea chromosome data was found from the following
Gupta, P. P. 1978. Cytology of Nymphaea. Cytologia
43: 477-484
Gupta, P. P. 1980. Evolutionary Trends of the Genus Nymphaea.
Cytologia 45: 307-314
Harada, Ititaro. 1952. Chromosome Studies of some Dicotyledonous
Water Plants. Jap. Jour. Genet. 27: 117-120
Heslop-Harrison, Yolande. 1955. Nymphaea. J. Ecology 43:
Langlet, O. & E. Soderberg. 1928. Uber die Chromosomenzahlen
einiger Nymphaeaceen. Acta Horti Bergiani 9 (4): 85-104
Wiersema, John H. 1987. A Monograph of Nymphaea Subgenus
Hydrocallis. Systemic Botany Monographs 16
Below are the (2n) chromosome numbers for some Nymphaea
species in alphabetical order. Note that since these numbers
were determined at different periods in the past, that some names
may be synonyms depending upon the nomenclature used at the time:
N. alba: 48, 56, 64 Aneuploid, 84, 96 Aneuploid, 105
Aneuploid, 112, 160 Aneuploid
N. amazonum: 18 Aneuploid
N. caerulea: 28
N. candida: ca 112, ca 160 (This may possibly be an aneuploid)
N. capensis: 28
N. capensis var. zanzibariensis: 28
N. gigantea: 224
N. jamesoniana: 28
N. lotus: 28, 56, 84
N. mexicana: 56, 84
N. micrantha: 56
N. odorata: 84
N. oxypetala: 84
N. prolifera: 18 Aneuploid
N. rubra: 56, 84, 112
N. stellata: 28, 56, 84
N. tetragona: 84, 112, 120 Aneuploid
N. tuberosa: 84
Here are the 2n counts for some hybrids:
N. 'August Koch': 28
N. 'Bissetii': 84
N. 'Daubeniana': 42
N. 'Dawn': 56
N. 'General Pershing': 42
N. 'Helvola': 84
N. 'Laydekeri Alba': 56
N. 'Pamela': 42
N. 'Sturteventii': 56
N. 'Sunrise': 84
Additional counts from Dr. John Wiersema's 1987 paper on Nymphaea
subgenus Hydrocallis:
N. conardii - 2n=28
N. gardneriana - 2n=28
N. lasiophylla - 2n=18
N. lingulata - 2n=18
N. novogranatensis - 2n=28
N. rudgeana - 2n=42?
N. tenerinervia - 2n=20 |
To complete the picture, here are the (2n) chromosome numbers
for some other
genera of the Family Nymphaeaceae:
Victoria amazonica: 20
Victoria cruziana: 24
Victoria 'Imperialis Hybrida': 22 (an early hybrid produced
by Haage & Schmidt)
Euryale ferox: 58
Walter Pagels - Profile