in a Single Hybridization Click images to enlarge
Previously I have shared my experiences of the diversity of progeny of a cross of Nymphaea 'Mayla' and N. 'Madame Wilfron Gonnère'. This presentation is another cross using N. 'Mayla' and N. 'Perry's Fire Opal' as maternal and paternal parents. Both are pink lilies. The 43 seedlings are all pink, varying only in shade and intensity. Two/thirds are cup-shaped like N. 'Perry's Fire Opal'. The other one/third are more the star shape of N. 'Mayla'.
Diversity of Waterlily Seedlingsin a Single Hybridization - Nymphaea 'Mayla' x N. 'Madame Wilfron Gonnère' Pairat Songpanich's Galleries of Waterlily, Lotus and Victoria Images