The Thomas Family Album

Family Pictures

Images provided by and © 2004 Charles B. Thomas
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< G.L. Thomas Jr. & unknown girl
Circa 1913

Charles B. Thomas
Circa 1947 >

Ponds of Family Friends
Right - The Kaneys,
Kansas, circa 1939
Far right - The Popes,
Florida, circa 1949


Dr. G. L. Thomas, Jr.
(excerpt from center photo)

Three generations of the
Thomas family

Christmas 1953

Charles B. Thomas
(excerpt from center photo)

Graduation Day 1985

The Thomas home January 2000
Photo by Nick Diaz

Charles and grandson
William Diaz 

The Thomas Family Album Index
Three Springs Fisheries/Lilypons | Lily Pons
Family Pictures | IWLS-IWGS Pictures/Waterlilies

Charles B. Thomas, The Rock That Made The Ripples
"Visit To Lilypons" by Dr. G. L. Thomas, Jr.

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