The Thomas Family Album

Three Springs Fisheries circa 1950
& Lilypons today

Images provided by and © 2004 Charles B. Thomas
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< Goldfish nests were collected daily during spawning season, and then transported to hatching and rearing ponds. Shotguns were carried to guard against fish predators.

After being harvested from
rearing ponds, fish are transported to a holding pond where they stay in vats awaiting sorting and shipping. >



Virginia and G. L. Thomas
sorting goldfish. >

Janet and Susan Rosenstock
in lily pond

< Most of the re-useable shipping cans pictured are made of aluminum. These were an innovation, saving shipping expense because they were significantly lighter than the traditional metal cans.


 < Demonstration gardens at Lilypons Maryland today >

The Thomas Family Album Index
Three Springs Fisheries/Lilypons | Lily Pons
Family Pictures | IWLS-IWGS Pictures/Waterlilies

Charles B. Thomas, The Rock That Made The Ripples
"Visit To Lilypons" by Dr. G. L. Thomas, Jr.

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