by Kit Young Knotts - Click images to enlarge

Apollo = dazzle, magic, fairy dust. When I first saw him as a 3-year-old at Herrmann Lipizzaners, I saw brilliance that might be too hot to handle. I bought him but hedged my bet with a sleepier half-brother and an older horse. The half-brother was soon sold and the more experienced Conversano Amena was a partner/teacher for some years. 

Apollo was like a gift from the Greek gods. He was extraordinarily beautiful, far too intelligent for my skill level at the time, and talented beyond words. An early hock injury limited his competition career but not his charisma or importance in my life.

In 1982 Apollo became the poster boy for the 1983 Pegasus Dressage Gala, a major horse show at our farm benefiting the Florida Symphony Orchestra. 

Conductor Sidney Rothstein clowning
around with Apollo


At the Gala, the black tie evening of musical freestyles by the competitors was preceeded with a performance by the FSA chamber group and a ballet of two pairs. Choreographed and danced by Michael Ragan to "The Eyes of Love", it was a very special moment for Apollo and me.

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