by Kit Young Knotts - Click images to enlarge

The first foal born at our farm Pegasus also was named Pegasus. He was the son of Neapolitano Apollo and Platana 7, a lovely Austrian mare.


< ^ Platana and Pegasus the day he was born | A few months later >


Pegasus and Conversano Titan (Conversano Amena x Strana) spent much of their first year together. They had to be separated when the play got too rough, but were briefly reunited after both were gelded at age 9. The resumption of rough-housing sent them both back to their rooms, having to settle for people as playmates.

Because he was rather small, I never competed Pegasus myself, instead sponsoring several junior riders to show him. He was always in the ribbons.

< Pegasus, Marc, Duce, Smuggler, Moe, Courtney, Kyle, Sandi

Somewhat hot-tempered like his father, Pegasus could buck and kick like a bronco -- or he could perform like a trooper. He was very kind when occasions warranted, taking great care with unbalanced riders (including me with broken bones). He was going strong until a freak injury followed by a bizarre illness took him in 2007, age 28. 


Shane | Apollo | Sandi | Duce | Marc | The Kid
Gordon Setters | Pegasus 2

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