Regal, Smuggler & Cheech

by Kit Knotts
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While digging out and digitizing the pictures of the horses, we found several priceless pictures of our very special Gordon Setters. There are very few of Regal and Smuggler for some unfathomable reason. Cheech of course has his own gallery and has not been neglected in the image department.

Regal was amazing and sold me forever on Gordon Setters. Though I have always had white horses, white cows and white cats, I have to deviate from complete color coordination with my dogs. Among Setters, Gordons are probably the least known and the best bred. They have brains to go with their beauty and substance. Each of our generations has had a brief time to pass the torch to the puppy.


Regal 10 1/2, Smuggler 3 months


^ Smuggler

Cheech 10 months, Smuggler 11 1/2


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