Neapolitano Amorosa
The Kid
by Kit Young Knotts - Click images to enlarge

I went out west looking for a horse suitable for Ben to ride. He'd really enjoyed learning on Shane, cut short by Shane's retirement and death. I couldn't visit Oregon and Washington without going to see June and Leonard Boardman at White Horse Vale, even though they didn't have what I was looking for.

I found myself really taken with a horse of theirs, younger and a little smaller than I wanted but loaded with personality. He had good gaits, was nicely started under saddle, and seemed steady. "The Kid", as I dubbed him in phone conversations with Ben, came to Florida.


The Kid didn't prove especially steady under saddle but Ben, who had immediately developed a special relationship with him, persisted. They did really well together.




I took over riding when Ben was sidelined by broken ribs (yes, The Kid spooked, reared and spun, unseating his loyal rider). Following the 2004 hurricanes we gelded him because he was difficult to evacuate and was still misbehaving under saddle.

Today he is fine and fun to ride, started in all the upper level movements. Everyone who knows him says The Kid is the perfect name since he's like a bratty child (in a very entertaining and amusing way). And June, he still sucks his tongue.

 The Kid, Marc and Cheech all know a sucker when they see one.



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