Gallery of
Aquatic & Marginal Plants
Ar - Az
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Arnica sachalinensis

Arum maculatum


Arundo donax


Arundo donax variegata

Arundo donax versicolor 

Asclepias incarnata

Asclepias incarnata 'Ice Ballet'

Asclepias incarnata rosea

Aster speciosa 

Aster tripolium  

Astilbe ardensii 'Brautschleier' 

Astilbe 'Cattleya' 

Astilbe chinensis pumila

Astilbe chinensis var. taquetii 

Astilbe 'Deutschland'

Astilbe 'Federsee'

Astilbe 'Mainz'


Astilbe 'Professor van der Wielen'

Astilbe 'Purpurlanze'

Astilboides tabularis 

Astrantia carniolica


Astrantia major

Astrantia major
'Ruby Wedding'


Azolla caroliniana 

Azolla pinnata 


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Cos-Cy | D-Ep | Eq-F | G | H-Ho | Hy
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Q-R| S-Sag | Sal-Sax | Sc-So | Sp-Ti | Tra-Ty | U-Z

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