Gallery of
Aquatic & Marginal Plants
Mo - My
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Monochoria australasica

Monochoria sp.


Montrichardia arborescens


Montrichardia linifera

Musa 'Bajoo' 

Musa zebrina

Myosotis palustris

 Myosotis palustris
'Bill Baker'

Myosotis palustris 'Perle von Ronneberg'

Myosotis palustris 'Weisse Perle'


Myosotis scorpioides

Myosotis scorpioides 'Pinkie'

Myrica germanica  


Myriophyllum aquaticum

Myriophyllum papillosum 

Myriophyllum proserpinacoides


Myriophyllum spicatum

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