Gallery of
Aquatic & Marginal Plants
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Hydrocharis morsus-ranae


Hydrocleys nymphoides 


Hydrocotyle bonariensis

Hydrocotyle umbellata


Hydrocotyle vulgaris

Hydrolea corymbosa

Hygrophila difformis
submerged form

Hygrorrhiza aristata 

Hylomecon japonicum 

Hymenocallis caribaea variegata

Hymenocallis caroliniana

Hymenocallis latifolia keyensis


Hymenocallis liriosme


Hymenocallis liriosme variegata

Hymenocallis littoralis

Hypericum elodes 

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Cos-Cy | D-Ep | Eq-F | G | H-Ho | Hy
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I-J-K | L-Lo | Lu-Ly | M-Mi | Mo-My | N-O | P-Pi | Po-Pre | Pri-Pu
Q-R| S-Sag | Sal-Sax | Sc-So | Sp-Ti | Tra-Ty | U-Z

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