Aquatic & Marginal Plants Ce - Ci Click images to go to galleries (multiple images) or to enlarge (single images) Photo credits with galleries and large images |
Centaurium minus |
Cephalotus follicularis |
Gallery Ceratophyllum demersum |
Gallery Chaerophyllum hirsutum 'Roseam' |
Gallery Chelone obliqua |
Chelone obliqua alba |
Chiastophyllum oppositifolium |
Chiastophyllum oppositifolium 'Variegatum' |
Cimifuga europaea |
Gallery Cirsium canum |
Gallery Cirsium helenioides |
Cos-Cy | D-Ep | Eq-F | G | H-Ho | Hy Iris Complete Gallery For shorter download A-L | M-Z I-J-K | L-Lo | Lu-Ly | M-Mi | Mo-My | N-O | P-Pi | Po-Pre | Pri-Pu Q-R| S-Sag | Sal-Sax | Sc-So | Sp-Ti | Tra-Ty | U-Z |