Victoria Seed & Plant Selection
Guidelines & Recommendations

This is an assessment of the ease or difficulty of the different Victorias. None are what you would call easy to grow relative to many other aquatic plants. For detailed descriptions and more pictures go to Victoria Identification or click on each image below. Things to consider in making your selection are pad color and rim type, second night flower color, blooming pattern, and ease of germination and cultivation. Size need not be a consideration since it can be easily controlled by container size.


V. amazonica can be difficult to germinate unless "nicked", difficult in the juvenile stage but is easy and rewarding as an adult. For best results seeds should be stored at approximately 76F (24C). Germination is best achieved with "nicked" seeds at 85F (29C) It blooms in spurts, is tolerant of cool water temperatures when well established but is easily damaged by wind. Unless you have a very long growing season, best performance is achieved by starting plants in the fall as V. amazonica is a very slow grower..


V. cruziana is currently difficult to germinate, difficult as a juvenile and can be slightly tricky as a young adult and to bring to flower. Seeds can be stored at 76F (24C) or 60F (16C), sometimes necessary to promote sprouting. Germination rate is best at 85F (29C). Once blooming in stable conditions, it will bloom continuously until an internal "clock" tells it to stop, decline and die. Good for short growing seasons.

Primary Hybrids

V. 'Adventure' (amazonica x cruziana) can be difficult to germinate unless "nicked" but is relatively easy in the juvenile stage and an outstanding performer as an adult. For best results seeds should be stored at approximately 76F (24C). Germination is best achieved at 85F (29C) It is more tolerant of changing weather than either species and blooms continuously over a long season.


V. 'Longwood Hybrid' (cruziana x amazonica) is easy to germinate, the easiest of all in the juvenile stage and a wonderful adult plant. Seeds can be stored at 76F (24C) but can be stored at 60F (16C) to promote sprouting. The germination rate is always close to 100% at 85F (29C). It is a frequent continuous bloomer and is our recommendation for anyone new to growing Victoria or anyone limited to just one plant.

Back-cross Hybrids - not available in 2008-2009

V. 'Atlantis' ('Adventure' x amazonica), though very amazonica-like in every other way, is fairly easy to germinate at 85F (29C) and should be stored at 60F (16C). It is relatively easy to grow at all stages and a good bloomer. It is our favorite of the back-cross hybrids.


V. 'Challenger' ('Longwood Hybrid' x cruziana) is cruziana-like, somewhat difficult to germinate but the rate inproves with "nicking". For best results seeds should be stored at approximately 76F (24C). Germination is best achieved with "nicked" seeds at 85F (29C) It is intermediate in difficulty in the juvenile stage and easier than cruziana as an adult.

V. 'Columbia' ('Adventure' x cruziana) is also cruziana-like and somewhat difficult to germinate. For best results seeds should be stored at approximately 76F (24C). Germination is best achieved with "nicked" seeds at 85F (29C). It is intermediate in difficulty in the juvenile and adult stages.

V. 'Discovery' ('Longwood Hybrid' x amazonica) is also very amazonica-like but is fairly easy to germinate at 85F (29C) and should be stored at 60F (16C). It is relatively easy to grow at all stages and a good bloomer even in cool weather.

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