Gallery of
Aquatic & Marginal Plants
Sp - Sy
Click images to enlarge - Photo credits with large images


Sparganium erectum

Spirodela polyrhiza

Stachys palustris


Stokesia laevis


Succisella inflexa


Swertia perennis

Symphytum azureum

Symphytum 'Bocking Nr. 4'

A-All | Alo-Ap | Ar-Az | B | C-Can | Car | Ce-Ci | Cl-Col | Cos-Cy | D | E-El | Em-Eu
F | G | H-Ho | Hy | I-Iris laevigata | Iris "Louisianas"-Iris versicolor | J-K | L-Lu
Ly | M-Mi | Mo-My | N-O | P-Pi | Po | Pr-Pu | Q-R | S-Sag | Sal-Sax
Sc-So | Sp-Sy | T-Tri | Tro-Ty | U-Z

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