The Dream Lives On
Pond & Garden Magazine Archive

By Kit Knotts


Helen Nash (right) and her sister Marilyn Cook (left) had a dream. It was a dream of a beautiful magazine about water gardening and they made it come true -- twice. The story of the first magazine is for another time and place but, suffice it to say, the dream didn't end. Pond & Garden was born and was, by far, the best magazine about water gardening published.

Helen Nash is the acclaimed author of numerous books on water gardening, including the Pond Doctor, and a popular speaker nationwide. She was editor of Pond & Garden and Marilyn Cook was publisher. After several years of publication, the magazine succumbed to the widespread economic pressures following September 11, 2001.

It is our pleasure to offer here the complete archive of Pond & Garden, including the unpublished "Australian Special". Our sincere thanks to Helen and Marilyn for allowing us to perpetuate all these wonderful articles on the web so that the Pond & Garden dream lives on.

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This material is included under the Fair Use Statute of the Copyright Act for strictly educational purposes, is not being used by this site for any commercial purposes whatsoever, and all contributors have been given full bibliographical credit for the information used.

Partial index to articles by topic

Volume 1 Number 1
Cover_v1-1.pdf 546K
Vol1_No1CalendarSection.pdf 70K
Vol1_No1pages1-21.pdf 286K
Vol1_No1pages22-41.pdf 973K
Vol1_No1pages42-63.pdf 729K
Vol1_No1pages64-77.pdf 698K
Vol1_No1pages78-96.pdf 505K

Volume 1 Number 3
Vol1_No3_001_021.pdf 112K
Vol1_No3_084_085.pdf 49K
Vol1_No3_086_104.pdf 87K

Volume 1 Number 4
Vol1_No4_Cover.pdf 192K
Vol1_No4_001_019.pdf 85K
Vol1_No4_020_043.pdf 757K
Vol1_No4_044_059.pdf 661K
Vol1_No4_060_087.pdf 1,049K
Vol1_No4_088_104.pdf 69K

Volume 1 Number 5
Vol1_No5_Cover.pdf 173K
Vol1_No5_001_021.pdf 122K
Vol1_No5_022_045.pdf 758K
Vol1_No5_046_067.pdf 846K
Vol1_No5_068_087.pdf 802K
Vol1_No5_088_104.pdf 99K

Volume 1 Number 6
Vol1_No6_Cover.pdf 109K
Vol1_No6_001_041.pdf 627K
Vol1_No6_042_057.pdf 794K
Vol1_No6_058_075.pdf 464K
Vol1_No6_076_095.pdf 967K
Vol1_No6_096_112.pdf 62K

Volume 2 Number 1
Vol2_No1_001_047.pdf 649K
Vol2_No1_048_067.pdf 752K
Vol2_No1_068_079.pdf 558K
Vol2_No1_080_095.pdf 437K
Vol2_No1_096_112.pdf 71K

Volume 2 Number 2
Vol2_No2_Cover.pdf 343K
Vol2_No2_001_049.pdf 802K
Vol2_No2_050_067.pdf 660K
Vol2_No2_068_075.pdf 309K
Vol2_No2_076_095.pdf 715K
Vol2_No2_096_112.pdf 137K

Volume 2 Number 3
Vol2_No3_Cover.pdf 197K
Vol2_No3_001_047.pdf 600K
Vol2_No3_048_067.pdf 649K
Vol2_No3_068_075.pdf 266K
Vol2_No3_076_096.pdf 858K
Vol2_No3_097_112.pdf 134K

Volume 2 Number 4
Vol2_No4_Cover.pdf 98K
Vol2_No4_001_043.pdf 720K
Vol2_No4_044_069.pdf 1,049K
Vol2_No4_070_079.pdf 450K
Vol2_No4_080_097v2.pdf 521K
Vol2_No4_098_112.pdf 59K

Volume 2 Number 5
Vol2_No5_Cover.pdf 158K
Vol2_No5_001_043.pdf 488K
Vol2_No5_044_067.pdf 848K
Vol2_No5_068_081.pdf 663K
Vol2_No5_082_0101.pdf 220K
Vol2_No5_102_112.pdf 28K

Volume 2 Number 6
Vol2_No6_Cover.pdf 505K
Vol2_No6_001_037.pdf 429K
Vol2_No6_038_049.pdf 526K
Vol2_No6_050_061.pdf 639K
Vol2_No6_062_079.pdf 983K
Vol2_No6_80_96.pdf 52K

Volume 3 Number 1
Vol3_No1_Cover.pdf 490K
Vol3_No1_001_041.pdf 556K
Vol3_No1_042_049.pdf 267K
Vol3_No1_050_059.pdf 371K
Vol3_No1_060_079.pdf 324K
Vol3_No1_80_96.pdf 52K

Volume 3 Number 2
Vol3_No2_Cover.pdf 419K
Vol3_No2_001_030.pdf 227K
Vol3_No2_031_049.pdf 604K
Vol3_No2_050_063F.pdf 363K
Vol3_No2_064_085.pdf 373K
Vol3_No2_80_96.pdf 52K

Volume 3 Number 3
Vol3_No3_Cover.pdf 459K
Vol3_No3_1-43.pdf 9,809K
Vol3_No3_044_053.pdf 876K
Vol3_No3_054_063.pdf 776K
Vol3_No3_064_079.pdf 1,895K
Vol3_No3_80_96.pdf 1,432K

Helen Nash's Baker's Dozens.pdf 1,022K

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