of Identification

As we continue to build the Galleries of Waterlily Cultivar Images and List of Named Waterlilies, we find we have the opportunity to do some serious detective work. With so many people around the world providing images for the Galleries, when multiple images are available for a given cultivar, it becomes obvious which images are correct for the name and which are suspect. And with many people contributing information for the Names List, we learn more about the correct names for the lilies!

Even inaccuracies lead us to question, probe, research and query. Let us say that this in no way reflects on the contributors of images incorrectly named. Many growers have received waterlilies with incorrect names (including us) and grow them in good faith until provided with better information. We hope our Galleries and Names List have become sources of this better information.

Now linked from the Names List and from the appropriate Galleries are some short pages of additional information that clarify names, faces or are just interesting tidbits. We also provide the links below.

  The Saga of Blue Beauty - by Walter Pagels 
   N. 'Darwin' & N. 'Hollandia'
   N. 'Eastern Moon' detailed description
   N. 'Fabiola'/'Mrs. Richmond'/'Pink Beauty'/'Luciana'/'Odorata Luciana'
   N. 'George L. Thomas' - by Charles B. Thomas
   N. 'James Gurney' - by Walter Pagels
   N. 'John Wedgwood'
   Viviparous Night Bloomers N. lasiophylla & N. prolifera
   N. 'Laydekeri Alba' - by John Sou
   N. 'Laydekeri Rosea' & N. 'Laydekeri Rosea Prolifera' - by Andreas Protopapas
   N. 'Maria' - by Andreas Protopapas
   N. 'Mosaique', Latour-Marliac's lost gem
   N. 'Mrs. Robert Sawyer' & N. 'Independence' - by Walter Pagels
   The Enigmas of N. petersiana & N. lotus
   N. 'Stanley Angus Skinger'
   The Issue of Nymphaea 'Odorata Sulphurea Grandiflora' and N. 'Sunrise' (Complete 650K - Not recommended for dail up connections - for shorter download click here to begin) by Andreas Protopapas

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