

 Aquatic Plants


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Waterlily Image Galleries - Thousands of images by name and/or photographer
  Day Blooming Tropical Cultivars (Brachyceras) Complete 960K  
 For shorter download
A | B | C-D | E-H | I-J | K-L | M | N-Pe | Pi-Q | R | S | T-Z
  Brachyceras Species Images     
  Hardy Cultivars (Nymphaea) Complete 998K    
For shorter download
A | B-C | D-E-F | G-H-I | J-K-L | M
N-O | P-Pe | Pe-Py | Q-R | S-T | U-Z 
  Nymphaea Species Images   
  Night Blooming Tropical Cultivars (Lotos) 78K   
  Lotos Species Images    
  Hydrocallis Species Images   
  Day Blooming Tropical Cultivars (Anecphya - The Australians) 56K   
  Anecphya Species Images   
  Antique Illustrations of Waterlilies 1500-1910   
Page 1 - Circa 1500 - 1800 | Page 2 - Circa 1800 - 1830 | Page 3 - Circa 1830 - 1870
The First Hybrids & Their Parents - Circa 1850-1860 | Page 4 - Circa 1870-1920

The Next Hybrids & Their Parents Circa 1870-1910
Plates From Conard's The Waterlilies 1905 
  List of Currently Accepted Nymphaea Species With Links to Images   
  Galleries By Photographer (Main) 
KK Agrawal Galleries Main  
Hardy Waterlilies 1 | Hardy Waterlilies 2 | Hardy Waterlilies 3
Hardy Waterlilies 4 | Hardy Waterlilies 5 | Tropical Waterlilies 1
Tropical Waterlilies 2 | Lotus Pond
Billy Bates 
Dieter Bechthold Gallery of Cultivars | New Introductions 2003 | Garden Images 
New Introductions 2004 | New Introductions 2005 
Lou Belloisy's "Up Close" Gallery 1 | Gallery 2 
Mauro Bergamo - The Collection of Manlio Calvisi Gallery Main 
Hardy Waterlilies Complete Gallery 300+K
For shorter download A-B | C-F | G-L | M-P | R-Z
Tropical Waterlilies
 Complete Gallery 150K
For shorter download A-F
| G-Z
Hybrids by Manlio Calvisi
2005 Introductions

Nelumbo (Lotus)
Nursery Calvisi - Water Plants Italy
Jessica Clements Gallery 1 | Gallery 2 
Garden Images From Indonesia by Richard Harlan 
C. Barre Hellquist's Anecphya Galleries
Gallery 1 - New species 2006 N. alexii, N. carpentariae, N. georginae
Gallery 2 - N. atrans, N. gigantea, N. hastifolia
Gallery 3 - N. immutabilis, N. immutabilis subsp. kimberleyensis, N. macrosperma
Gallery 4 - N. violacea
The Clyde Ikins Collection of Aquatic Images 
Hardy Waterlilies
Complete Gallery
(1+ M - Not recommended for dialup connections)
For shorter downloads - A | B-Ch | Cl-D | E-G | H-J | K-L | M | N-O | P-Ph | Pi-Py | Q-Ri | Ro-Ry | S | T-Z
Tropical Day Blooming Waterlilies
Complete Gallery
For shorter downloads - A-D | E-G | H-M | N-Re | Rh-Z

Tropical Night Blooming Waterlilies Complete  
Gallery of Waterlily Images by Valeria Kivshar 
James Knock's Tribute to the Brilliance of Kirk Strawn
Gallery Index Complete 300K
For shorter downloads:
N. 'Barbara Davies' through N. 'Clyde Ikins'
N. 'Colorado' through N. 'Liou'
N. 'Little Sue' through N. 'Pink Pumpkin'
N. 'Pink Sparkle' through N. 'Yuh Ling'
Pretty Pairs by Kit Knotts Pretty Pairs II
A June Day in our Garden by Kit Knotts
Happy New Year from our garden 2008 - Kit & Ben Knotts
Summer Waterlily Sampler by Kit Knotts
Andre Leu's Gallery Main  
Anecphya Gallery 2001-2 | 2003 - N. elleniae | N. gigantea
N. immutabilis subsp. immutabilis | N. violacea
Undescribed Possible New Species or N. hastifolia
New Hybrids of N. 'Andre Leu' x N. violacea 
Introductions by Christian Meyer 
Australians in Malaysia - Photos by Tuckfook Ng  
Test Your Knowledge of Tropical Waterlilies - Photos by Tuckfook Ng 
William Phillips  
Craig Presnell  
Andreas Protopapas Gallery Main  
Complete Gallery (722K)
For shorter downloads - Gallery A | Gallery B-C | Gallery D-F | Gallery G-J | Gallery L-M | Gallery N-P | Gallery Q-S | Gallery T-Z
Hybrids by Andreas Protopapas 
Patti Rose - Gallery 1 | Gallery 2 
Rich Sacher  
Fernando Santos 
Perry Slocum Galleries Main 
Tropical Day Bloomers (Complete 167K)
Shorter downloads A-M | O-Z
Tropical Day Bloomers 2 (Complete 297K)
Shorter downloads A-C | D-L | M-P | R-Z
Tropical Night Bloomers (Complete 47K)
Hardy Waterlilies (Complete 375K)
Shorter downloads A-Fi | Fl-Pe | Pe-Re | Re-Z
Pairat Songpanich - Index of Galleries and Articles
Pairat Songpanich's Galleries of Waterlily, Lotus and Victoria Images
Hardy Nymphaea - Complete 400K
For shorter downloads - A-D | E-L | M-O | P-Z
Tropical Day Bloomers | Tropical Night Bloomers | Nelumbo | Victoria
Diversity of Waterlily Seedlings in a Single Hybridization
More Diversity of Waterlily Seedlings in a Single Hybridization

The Waterlily: View Through the Lens of Pairat Songpanich
Introducing Nymphaea 'Siam Blue Hardy' - The World's First Blue Hardy Waterlily
The Waterlily: View Through the Lens II of Pairat Songpanich
The Waterlily: View Through the Lens III by Pairat Songpanich
John Sou 
Werner Wallner Galleries Main 
Sampler Gallery 1 Hardies | Sampler Gallery 2 Hardies
Sampler Gallery 3 Tropicals | Sampler Gallery 4 Hardies
Gallery of Waterlily Diagnostic Images
Index of Images from Walderbach
A Look at the 2005 IWGS Competition Waterlilies
The Charles Winch Collection displayed at New Orleans Botanical Garden 2006
Introduction by Noelene Pullen & Margaret Edwards
Galleries Main
  A "Sea" of Australian Waterlilies in Central Queensland - Images by Frances Cottrell-Dormer    
  Provenance of Images - Introduction and Index
Named Waterlilies - More than 1,700 listings with type, description, parents, synonyms, links to
   images, links to extra information, etc.  
  Mysteries of Identification
  List of Kirk Strawn Cultivars
  List of Perry Slocum Cultivars compiled by Charles B. Thomas
Sources For Waterlilies and Aquatic Plants   
Buyer Beware! - What's in a name? by Rich Sacher
Waterlily Cultivation  
   The Difference Between Tropicals and Hardies
   Quick Guide To Growing Tropical Waterlilies - by Rich Sacher
   Growing & Propagating Hardy Waterlilies - by Kit Knotts
   Potting Waterlilies - by Kit Knotts  
  Growing From Seed - by Kit Knotts  
  Should I Grow From Seed or Rhizome? or The Truth About Plants Grown From Both 
   Growing Tropicals From Tuber - by Kit Knotts  
   Tropical Waterlily Tuber Propagation by Sean Stevens
   Tuber Production of Tropical Waterlilies - by Walter Pagels
   Tubering Tropical Waterlilies In Warm Climates by Kit Knotts
   Viviparous Waterlilies - by Kit Knotts  
   Viviparous Tropical Waterlily Propagation - by Sean Stevens
   Viviparity in the hardy waterlily 'Colonel A.J. Welch' - Photos by Werner Wallner
   Repotting Overgrown Tropical Waterlilies - by Kit Knotts
   "Chop and Drop" of a Large Tropical Waterlily - by Kit Knotts  
   Dividing Tropical Waterlilies - by Kit Knotts  
  Overwintering Tropical Waterlilies - by Rich Sacher
  Overwintering Tropical Waterlily Tubers by Members of our Email Discussion List 
  Winterizing Tropical Waterlilies
With Tips for the Rest of the Year by Bob Meyer, Illinois USA  
  Thinning Night Blooming Tropicals by Kit Knotts  
  Hardy Waterlily Germination Study - by Don Stevens
  Caterpillar Attack! - by Kit Knotts
How to identify and control the larvae that afflict waterlilies
  Growing Waterlilies In Dixie Cups by Sean Stevens 
  Fertilizing Adult Waterlilies
  Fertilizing Waterlily Seedlings
  Germinating Hardy Waterlily Seeds by John Blagg   
  From WGI ONLINE Journal -
Growing Tropical Waterlily Seedlings in The Basement by Lou Belloisy   
  Chance Seedlings, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly by Charles Leach
  Innovative Thermoplanter Expands Tropical Waterlily Season by Charles B. Thomas  
  Fasciation in a Tropical Waterlily Tuber by Rich Sacher 
Australian Subgenus Anecphya Index to Articles and Galleries
  Introduction to Anecphya, the Australian Subgenus of Waterlilies  
  Growing Australian Tropical Waterlilies (Anecphya) 
  Field Collecting Australian Water Lilies - Expeditions 2000-2001 by Andre Leu
  Field Collecting Australian Water Lilies - Expedition 2002  by Andre Leu 
  Key to the Identification of the Australian water lily subgenus Anecphya 
  The Normanton Lilies - A New Species? by Andre Leu 
  New Australian Waterlily Species Named November, 2005 by Andre Leu 
  Nymphaea hastifolia (subgenus Anecphya) Photos and Field Notes by Dave Wilson
  Guide to Anecphya Seed & Seedling Cultivation by William Phillips  
  Waterlily Hunting in Queensland by Nan Bailey  
  Australian Native Waterlilies Near Cooktown, Queensland - by Nan Bailey 
Waterlily Family Tree - Family relationships with links to taxonomy and images
  New Waterlily Family Relationships 2007  
   List of Currently Accepted Nymphaea Species With Links to Images
   The Gospel According To GRIN
How To Make Hybrids   
   Make Your Own New Hybrid by Kit Knotts  
   From Conception To Bloom Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 - by Craig Presnell
   Hybridizing Tropical Water Lilies by Rich Sacher  
   Parents For Waterlily Hybrids - compiled by Werner Wallner
  How To Name A New Cultivar   
  Hybridizing of Tropical Waterlilies by Charles A. Winch
Paper presented during the Third International Waterlily Symposium held at Denver in August 1987
  Water Lily Hybridization by Kirk Strawn, PhD
  Diversity of Waterlily Seedlings in a Single Hybridization by Pairat Songpanich
  More Diversity of Waterlily Seedlings in a Single Hybridization - by Pairat Songpanich
Special Articles  
  The Miracle Man's Miracle Plant
The World's First Documented Hybrid Between Two Subgenera Of Nymphaea
  The Saga of Blue Beauty - by Walter Pagels
  Waterlily Chromosome Counts - by Walter Pagels
  Guide To Photographing Waterlilies - by Lou Belloisy
  "Thousand Petals" - by Eiji Nitasaka
  'Mrs. Robert Sawyer' or 'Independence'? - by Walter Pagels
  Waterlilies As Cut Flowers - Seerosen als Schnittblumen
By Kit Knotts - Translated to German by Werner Wallner 
  Waterlilies for Cutting - by Christian Meyer   
  Mysteries of Waterlily Identification   
  2003 Waterlily Days At Walderbach, Germany - by Werner Wallner
  The Home of Nymphaea alba var. rubra
Photos by Nick Diaz - Courtesy of Charles Thomas
  The Best Way To Pick Waterlilies - Werner Wallner's Method    
  The Ponds of Nymphaion - Gallery by Werner Wallner   
  Nymphaea 'Trouble-Freeia' A new species of Nymphaea? by K.K. Agrawal   
  New Proposed Hybrid of Anecphya & Brachyceras by Yasuhiro Satou - Nymphaea 'Yasuhiro' 
  Proposed New Anecphya/Brachyceras Hybrid by Mio Sato, Japan   
  Winners of Competitions for Waterlilies 1997 - 2008   
 Historical Articles  
   The History of Hybrid Waterlilies by Kit Knotts  
   Antique Illustrations Galleries  
   Biographies Index  
  1852-1853, NYMPHÆA ORTGIESIANO-RUBRA - French - English
  1856, NYMPHÆAS by Maxwell Masters, The Gardeners' Chronicle, May 24
  1857, Die Bouché'schen Nymphäen-Blendlinge - German
(The Bouché Nymphaea Hybrids) - English
by Professor Dr. Karl Koch, Allgemeine Gartenzeitung
  1887, JULY 23. Canary Water Lily. by William Robinson, THE GARDEN.

by Maurice-L. Vilmorin, Revue horticole
Extract from a paper read by M. Latour-Marliac before the Royal Horticultural Society, August 9, 1898. 
  1905, The Waterlilies, Chapter VII by Henry S. Conard
  1912, Oxford Gardens, Glass-houses, No. 6. The Water-lily House by R.T. Günther, M.A.
  1912, Aquiculture Lagrange Complete Catalogue 

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